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SCCAN - Communicating Climate Science Masterclass

06 April 2021

Starts: 19:00
Ends: 20:30

Tuesday 6 April    7.00 - 8.30

Join renowned climate scientist Professor Pete Smith on 6 April, 7.00 - 8.30pm for a discussion on the Climate Emergency, communication, the urgency to reach Net Zero, what needs to be done to reach that goal, and how you can help. Meet with other people that care like you, share resources and insights on how to communicate climate change and make a difference! There will be time to discuss with others and share ideas on how best to communicate climate science and spark change.

Numbers for this event are limited

Book here

We are part of the rapidly expanding worldwide Transition Towns movement. The Black Isle is a peninsula of about 100 sq miles ENE of Inverness in Scotland, UK.